Christopher Lee

Hello and welcome to my website!

I am a current junior at the School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania, pursuing a double major in Economics and Computer Science with a minor in Cognitive Science. I've made this website from scratch and it showcases some of the stuff I've done in both previous jobs and projects that I've worked on. Please enjoy my work!

Work Experience

Invictus Capital

Full Stack Engineer
A cryptocurrency company focused on investing in the blockchain market. They have developed the C20 and Hyperion Funds, and target promising ICO's, using data analytics and artificial intelligence

iD Tech

A summer camp that has weeklong classes for kids anywhere from ages 6-17 to learn computer science. My course featured basic Java skills alongside writing Minecraft mods with Java.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Research Assistant
The world's largest private cancer center in the world. My laboratory focused on nanomaterials for disease detection and drug delivery. My specific focus was carbon nanotubes for cancer detection.



An app I created with a partner that allows users to make bookings at venues.


A Bullet Journal Companion app I made with a partner at during HackMIT.

Fund DashBoard

The Dashboard I created for my job at Invictus Capital.

Survivor Strategy

My final project for my NETS150 class. I used social network analysis to see if there were winning specific winning strategies to the super popular (and very entertaining!) show Survivor.

Other Links to Check Out!

If you would like a copy of my resume, please reach out on LinkedIn!